About us

Elecnor created the company POSTES NERVION, S.A., dedicated to the manufacture of reinforced concrete poles for high and low voltage power lines, in Bilbao, in September 1964.

Sobre Adhorna

The 1970s was a genuine period of expansion around concrete poles as a single product. Seven factories were set up to manufacture concrete poles with an output of around 18,000 poles/year.

The concrete poles were followed by fibreglass and resin poles (GRP) in a development project also carried out with Telefónica, S.A. It began in 1985, was formalised in 1988 and culminated in 1991 in an international competition in which Postes Nervión, S.A. was the main winner. This project was part of a larger project carried out by Postes Nervión, S.A. to develop a manufacturing technology for the production of lighting poles and columns.

In the 1980s, serial prefabricated products were developed for Telefónica, such as chambers, chambers and casings. It was a period of great development, production, investment and modernisation activity for a company which, like Postes Nervión, S.A., started out strictly as a single product.

In the 1990s, the company continued to develop its line of small buildings with new applications, SAICA, RETEVISIÓN, the RENFE train-earth plan, transformer substations, etc.

Since 1990, the company had been making small incursions into the area of prefabricated products for civil works through earth retaining walls, prefabricated water tanks and special pieces. In 1997, the company decided to diversify this product line through the purchase of the company PLACARMADA, S.A., making a strong commitment to prefabricated products with a high engineering content, such as segments for false tunnels in railway works (AVE), roads, drainage, subways, etc.

The merger of Postes Nervión, S.A. and its subsidiary Placarmada, S.A. as a starting point after ten years of parallel activity, materialised in ADHORNA PREFABRICACIÓN, S.A. in 2008.

From 2002 onwards, the prefabrication of structures and enclosures for industrial buildings also took place, as a logical leap from the small buildings in which we have such extensive experience.

The 2013 financial year culminated with the integration of our company into Elecnor, with Elecnor holding 100% of the shares of Adhorna Prefabricación, S.A.